Nearly ½ of probationers reported being under the influence during their offense

From drunk driving to alcohol-involved assaults, alcohol offenses are a wide-spread issue in many communities. But communities like yours are finding long-term, sustainable outcomes by combining SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring® with data-driven pretrial and probation programs.

The eight jurisdictions featured in these two new case study e-books are successfully reducing alcohol offenses, improving public safety, and implementing cost-effective alternatives to incarceration.

How Technology and Criteria-Based Programs Tackle Repeat Alcohol Offenses looks at programs that are using consistent and intensive supervision to address the most serious alcohol crimes.

Transforming Probation: Innovative Alcohol Monitoring Programs That Increase Accountability highlights programs that are achieving better outcomes with diverse populations.

Your e-book includes:

  • Four case studies detailing the use of alcohol monitoring technology and program outcomes
  • Stats on probation, repeat DUI offenders, and monitoring compliance
  • Insights into assessment tools, the spectrum of alcohol offenders, and more
  • Links to additional readings and research